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What Causes Treatments To Fade?

  • Cover ups over old treatments

Coverups can be tricky, there can be a lot of underlying scar tissue from previous treatments  (microblading) which causes the skin to be calloused and hard. This skin will resist the pigment, heals lighter and fades faster than untreated skin.

The upside is that the needling action of the tattoo machine (we now use) breaks up scar tissue to a point where it may heal completely.

Another issue with old treatments is that they may have used a tattoo ink which can be difficult to cover.

This may take 2-3 treatments initially then regular colour boosts every 12-18 months.

  • Low iron levels

This is a big one. If you are low in iron its possible for the treatment to fade a lot. Often clients who have had big fades or repeatedly fade tell me they need iron transfusions to maintain their iron levels.

  • Recent Chemotherapy

Recent chemotherapy or radiation will cause fading. If the body is still flushing out toxins, it may  flush out the pigment as well. Wait 12-18 months before having a Cosmetic Tattooing treatment and even then there is still a chance it may fade quicker than it should.

  • General health

General health plays a big part in skin health and pigment retention. If you have underlying health issues or you are on medications there is a chance that pigment may not retain in the skin very well.

  • Overactive lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is designed to flush out toxins from the body. Therefore it’s possible that the lymphatic system could be flushing the pigment out of your body. This is rare but its possible.

  • Pigment choice

Pigments these days are very different, they are designed to be semi permanent not permanent. However, there are some pigments that won’t last as long as others. I generally use a hybrid pigment which is suitable for most skin types. However, I will use a stronger pigment if necessary. By necessary I mean;

  • Cover ups over a tattoo ink – a hybrid pigment will not always cover it.
  • Skin that is not holding a hybrid pigment for any reason.

If we are still getting fading after troubleshooting, then it  is definitely an issue with the body/general health.

  • New Treatments 

New treatments (particularly if the client is extremely nervous) can fade significantly in-between the initial treatment and retouch due to pigment depth. Often I will implant the pigment very lightly into the skin at the initial treatment which gives us the option of implanting it deeper at retouch. This give the client time to adjust to the treatment and lets us gauge how the pigment will heal in the skin.

  • Leaving your colour boost too long

Leaving your colour boost too long means that you could be up for 2 treatments again. A colour boost is exactly that, it is designed to boost the colour however if you have left your treatment to the point where it is completely faded out (or almost completely faded out) a colour boost will not be enough, you will need to come back in 4 weeks later for a retouch.

I always send an SMS at 12 months as a reminder that you may be due for a colour boost. Some people can get an extra 6 months and in rare cases maybe 2yrs BUT if your treatment is fading I highly recommend you return ASAP. The more faded the area is, the more work needs to be done and the more it will cost you.

In rare occasions, I have had clients return every 6 months to maintain their treatment due to their particular skin type or health issue which is causing more rapid fading. They are happy to do this and I charge accordingly (retouch price, not colour boost price).

  • Not following aftercare instructions 

100% if you have not followed your aftercare instructions (given to you in detail in your aftercare kit) you risk your new treatment. This can mean patchy, faded results. Faded results can generally be adjusted at retouch, however patchy results (from leaving too much lymph on the skin) can be difficult to fix.

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