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Dark Lip Tattoo Neutralisation

Dark lips can be a challenge and there is definitely NO one size fits all when it comes to neutralising them.

Lip undertones range from browns to purple and blue, then there are different tones of those colours to consider when approaching which counteracting colours will be most effective and of course what end result we are trying to achieve. Dark Lips are a journey and you will need some patience. They initially may appear darker or as through no change has taken place in the 7 days following Dark Lip Tattoo Neutralisation treatment HOWEVER I can promise you that by the time we see you again in 6-8 weeks they WILL have shifted in colour.

Often we have to wait and see how they heal to plan how many more dark lip tattoo neutralisation treatments you may require but I would count on having 3-4 for best results.
Some of the results shown here are after initial treatment and some after 2, 3 or 4 treatments.

Logan City is so culturally diverse, we do a lot of dark lips in this clinic and I LOVE doing them. Its so rewarding to see the healed outcome.

Key Features of Dark Lip Tattoo Neutralisation


The benefits of a Dark Lip Neutralisation Tattooing in Brisbane, Logan & Gold Coast, Queensland

Dark lip neutralisation tattoo | Dark Lip Tattoo | Dark Lips Blush Tattoo | Lip Tattoo Dark Lips | Dark Lip Tattoo Springwood
Feature 1

Neutralises dark undertones such as purple, grey, black and blue.

Feature 2

Results are natural looking and long lasting

Feature 3

Colour is adjustable as lip skin colour lightens.

Feature 4

Confidence boosting and attractive results.

Time: Allow 2.5hrs
Cost: $449 + retouch


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