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Cosmetic Tattoo Photos

Brow Tattooing

These are unedited images straight after treatment. We can expect a 30% fade while the area heals which softens the result making them look more natural. Brow pigments are often warmer tones as they’ll heal cooler so we need to counteract that.

You’ll notice that there is no one size fits all from the photos below. Each brow is individually designed around the clients natural shape, colouring, preferences and professional mapping to ensure symmetry. Fronts are often lighter to create a graduated fade which looks more natural.

Lip Tattooing

Lips come in all shapes and sizes with a range of skin conditions which directly impact results. Some lip skin can be very dry and dehydrated or calloused and hard due to sun damage. The good news about lip tattooing is that it breaks up hardened, dry skin and boosts collagen which improves lip skin over time. There is some preparation work required before Lip Tattooing for optimal results which you can read about HERE


Eyeliner tattooing creates enhanced eye shape and definition without appearing too harsh or dramatic. Whether you desire a subtle enhancement or a more bold look, a skilled technician can tailor the thickness, colour intensity, and style accordingly. If you struggle with achieving even lines due to eyesight problems or hand tremors an eyeliner tattoo ensures consistent results every time without any effort on your part.

Smudge-proof, long-lasting and cost effective over time, eyeliner tattooing is the solution you’ve been looking for.

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